Beware of Stubborn Soap Scum! Commercial Cleaning Services

We all know that daily bathing is essential for good health and hygiene. And with bathing comes the task of keeping the shower clean from “soap scum.”

Soap scum? What’s that? While not a scientific term, soap scum is the cloudy film that accumulates on shower surfaces, building up from the combination of soap fats, minerals in water, body oils, and dirt. Over time, this buildup hardens, becoming increasingly difficult to remove and potentially becoming a source for mold to grow.

Addressing stubborn shower scum promptly is essential for maintaining a clean and hygienic bathroom. Simply scrubbing it like a typical dirty surface won’t work.

To remove soap scum, you can purchase a cleaning product specifically for showers and baths, but if you are a do-it-yourself addict, you can create your own with one cup of white vinegar, one cup of water, and one tablespoon of dish detergent.

Combine the ingredients in a spray bottle and shake the bottle so it is all mixed up. In a wet shower or bath, spray the solution all over the affected areas, let it sit for several minutes, and spray it again. Scrub the surface with a non-abrasive sponge or cloth (if you choose something abrasive, be very careful not to scratch the surface).

Rinse and inspect… and if there is any remaining soap scum, there is a second round of treatment to consider.

Liberally sprinkle baking soda on the areas that need more work. Spray the same solution over the baking soda. It should fizz a bit. Allow it to sit a few minutes, and sprinkle and spray again if the fizz was significant. Rinse thoroughly, allow to dry, and inspect. You should see great results from these efforts.

Another way to reduce soap scum is to have a quality water softener installed in your home. Softer water cleans better and addresses the underlying cause of most issues in baths and showers: Hard water. Hard water contains high concentrations of minerals, which react with soap and thus forms soap scum faster.

With or without a water softening system, if you focus on regular maintenance and prompt cleaning, you will keep soap scum at bay and avoid the need for extensive cleaning.

The time will come when you need a professional cleaning service to help with tough tasks. Do the right thing and call your favorite cleaning company. After all, it pays to call a pro!


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