Hello, November!

Hello All,

November is here, and it started with a very windy weekend! I had to trudge through all the leaves to get to my car this morning. Hopefully none of you had raked already, because I’m sure the leaves were all blown back.

Well I will get right into the rest of the list from my last blog. Here are the last 3.

Clean the chimney. We all enjoy sitting by a warm fire on a cold night, but a dirty chimney is a serious fire and carbon monoxide hazard. Call a professional to give your chimney a thorough inspection and a good scrubbing to get rid of the built-up soot. Have an electric heater? Give it a good dusting before turning it on.

Bring in the lawn furniture. Even though there may be a few dog days of summer left, it’s a good idea to bring in the outdoor furniture and seat cushions. Wash furniture before you store it (a bucket with soapy water, thick sponge, and a quick rinse with the garden hose should do the trick). This helps get rid of summer dirt and bugs.

Clean the gutters. Remove all those dead leaves to prevent clogs when the wetter, colder weather comes in. Otherwise your drains will overflow and result in heavy ice buildup, which can sometimes damage gutters.

​Keep your eyes out for the next blog, I’ll be sharing some tips on keeping yoru carpets from losing color!

Stay warm,
Absolute Best Team Member

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