• Are your dirty carpets making you sick? – Part 2

    Are your dirty carpets making you sick? - Part 2 Part #2 4) Worn traffic lanes that cannot be restored. Dirt in your carpet acts like sandpaper to glass. It grinds away the life of your carpet, reducing it to the little bits of fuzz that fill up your vacuum. Most of...

    Two Things to Ask Your Carpet Cleaner

    Two Things to Ask Your Carpet Cleaner So here at Absolute Best we look out for our customers, that is why we always provide you with information about choosing a cleaning company that isnt just after your money! So today we wanted to share with you 2 things you should...

    Why Winter is a Great Time to Clean Carpet

    Why Winter is a Great Time to Clean Carpet So you may be thinking, “there’s no way winter could be a good time to have my carpets cleaned”. Most people think the same way. But the reality is, its a great time to get them cleaned. Here is a couple...

    Real Reveiws from Real People

    Real Reveiws from Real People We always try to provide our customers with the best infomation when it comes to choosing a carpet cleaner. So this week I wanted to let you all know about a great consumer website. EthicalServices.com This website was featured on...

    Real Reveiws from Real People

    Real Reveiws from Real People We always try to provide our customers with the best infomation when it comes to choosing a carpet cleaner. So this week I wanted to let you all know about a great consumer website. EthicalServices.com This website was featured on...