Are You Looking For a Local, Trained and Trustworthy Odor Removal Specialist?
Look No Further. Our Unbeatable Guarantee Says It All
“Guaranteed Odor Removal!”
We’ll Make Your Home Smell and Feel Wonderful Again.
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For All These Odors: smoke(cigarette, burnt proteins like meat, burnt wood), curry, mold, mildew, urine, feces, dead body (animal or human), skunk, ‘old folks smell’, gasoline, carpet odor, and all other odors
For Pet Odors Read Below
Say Goodbye To Pet Spots And Odors For Good!
Pets can be a great source of joy and happiness. They can also be a source of accidents and odor! That’s where we come in. We can undo the damage your beloved pet may have caused.
Urine, feces, vomit, and other organic spots require professional attention. The “do it yourself” products simply don’t have the power to completely remove and sanitize those things. In fact, many of the products you would buy at the grocery or department store not only won’t work as well, they actually make it harder for us to remove the spot!
Ever worry that your home may smell when people come to visit? If you have pets you can be almost certain it does. It comes with having animals. It doesn’t have to be that way though. First let’s consider where the odor resides.
Try to think of what your laundry would smell like if you never washed it. Pretty gross huh? Your carpet is basically clothing for your floors. It’s made of fibers just like your clothes. What do you do when your laundry starts to smell? Sprinkle them with some deodorant powder? Spray it with Febreeze? Of course not! You would WASH them. Why wouldn’t you wash your carpet then?
Too many people are under the impression that cleaning your carpet ruins it. That’s just not true. In fact it’s a lie that WILL RUIN your carpet. The carpet manufacturers recommend cleaning your carpet at least once a year by hot water extraction. Many will not even honor their wear and stain warranties unless you can PROVE that you have hot water extracted and reapplied carpet protector at least once a year! The reason is because your carpet acts as a filter trapping dirt, dust, dust mites and their feces, dander, pollens, allergens, smoke, pollution, bacteria, etc. This is good since it keeps those things on the ground and out of your breathing air. However, like any filter it needs to be cleaned regularly to continue to work. When your carpet gets full of these things it develops an odor, just like your clothes would. Compound this with urine, feces, and vomit or hairballs and you should want your carpet cleaned yesterday!
To be frank, none of these products will remove and deodorize pet stains. Most of these products only treat the surface. Secondly, they don’t break down the proteins in urine. Thus, you will still have urine under your carpet yarns and soaked into your backing and padding (and most likely in the wood under all that too).
Bleach should NEVER be used on carpet! Many people think that if they use bleach, it will at least disinfect the area. Not only is this not effective it’s completely unnecessary. You’ll only ruin your carpet.
Oxyclean® is not very effective on urine stains. It may reduce the appearance of the stain on the surface but it will not remove the underlying urine and it will not break down the proteins in the urine that bond with your carpet causing the telltale yellowish stain. Caution must be used since misuse of Oxyclean® can have the same effect as bleach in that you’ll have permanent color loss.
This might surprise you, but most, if not all, store bought carpet cleaning solutions actually cause more problems with carpet than they fix. We’ve been in some homes where the homeowner had a urine stain that they tried to clean with a store bought solution and then they had a urine stain that they weren’t aware of. We were able to remove the urine stain that had gone unnoticed. We were not able to completely remove the stain that had been treated with the store bought solution.
We’ve been in this business for some 40 years. We are experts on carpet care and we specialize in pet problems. We carry a full line of professional carpet cleaning products made especially for pet accidents. These products work! We wouldn’t use them if they didn’t.
Call us today and let us perform a FREE, thorough carpet evaluation at your home.
If after my evaluation I discovered I couldn’t help you, I’ll offer some other options that can! Don’t hesitate, call us at 413-596-5404 and get the results you desire.
Urine in carpet never really dries out. It seeps into the backing and stays wet for a very long time. When it gets humid, urine will pull the moisture from the air reactivating the odor. That’s why urine can still smell years later.
A visible urine spot the size of a baseball may actually be the size of a garbage bag under the surface!
Our Spot and Odor Removal Program breaks down the chemical makeup of urine leaving nothing but carbon dioxide and water! How great is that!
Proteins in urine work like glue bonding the yellow pigment to carpet fibers. Our process liquefies and breaks down these proteins which releases the stain from these fibers.
Of course, as with any stain, timing is critical. The longer a spot is on your carpet the higher the risk of color loss or permanent discoloration.
If your pets have urinated in your home, you can be sure visitors can smell it even if you can’t! That’s why you need to call a specialist today!
Call us at 413-596-5404
or Toll Free at 1-866-LIVE-CLEAN